
Economics Translated, Need Review, The Philosopher's Journey, Theoretical Discussion

Rich Man Economics: An Introduction

Poor Man Mindset + Middle Class Mindset + Entrepreneur /Rich Man Mindset Poor Man Mindset + Middle Class Mindset = SCHOOL These are four subjects that do not exist in the world of Academia. These are four subjects that, if you want to study them, you’re going to have to “figure it out.”  If I

Course #6: The Cultivator's Course, The Business Owner

The Ethical Business Model

This is one that sits near and dear at the heart of me. Traditional Business Models are “Profit/Power” based whereas the Ethical Business Model is “Nurturing/Ethical” based. Traditional Business Models “farm” the Foundational Workers of their time and resources with a “Use and Dispose” mindset. The Ethical Business Model understands that a company is only

Course #5: "Putting It Together with Human Circuitry, The They of I, Triadic Healing Part #2

Human Circuitry: Choosing Your People

The Levels of Consciousness Before you can Choose your People, you have to Know Thy Self. “Awareness is the state of becoming aware of the Self. But it is only when we consciously choose to descend into the Abstract that we discover the infinite layers of The Self that we truly become Self Aware. And

Course #5: "Putting It Together with Human Circuitry, Triadic Healing Part #2

Human Circuitry: Introduction How We Connect

Stages of Connection: What is Human Circuitry? Why do we need this? Human Circuitry is the Science and Logic of How the Human Connects their AIDNS to another AIDNS and how to maintain and nourish a strong Connection. Pre-requisites: It helps if… If you having a basic working knowledge of What do we need to

Course #5: "Putting It Together with Human Circuitry, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction, Triadic Healing Part #2

Human Circuitry: Overview

This is a Work In Progress 19 March 2024 – 11th of the You of I 27 March 2024 – 1st of the They of I The Emotional Transaction of Human Connection Protecting The AIDNS: The Circle of Trust The Circle of Trust is the “Personal Law” that exists around the AIDNS to ensure its

Course #5: "Putting It Together with Human Circuitry, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction, Triadic Healing Part #2

The “Tit-For-Tat” Strategy

Before we can dive into the 3 Cell-Battery and the Emotional Transaction of Human Connection, The “Tit-For-Tat” Strategy and the Circle of Trust must be fully understood. Covered in this Segment: Up next: “Tit-For-Tat” Strategy The Golden Rule + Law of Reflection + “Tit-For-Tat” +> Role Models How Narcissism “Corrupts” The “Role Model” Theory Con-man

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