The Business Owner

Economics Translated

Rich Dad, Poor Dad: A Review

“Poor People and Rich People have two completely different philosophies about money. Poor People are loudest about which is “the right way” to handle money. Poor People are Noisy Know-Nothings about money. The thing is, The Poor is penniless. The Rich is wealthy. Why would we ever listen to money advice from the Poor? This

Economics Translated, Need Review, The Philosopher's Journey, Theoretical Discussion

Rich Man Economics: An Introduction

Poor Man Mindset + Middle Class Mindset + Entrepreneur /Rich Man Mindset Poor Man Mindset + Middle Class Mindset = SCHOOL These are four subjects that do not exist in the world of Academia. These are four subjects that, if you want to study them, you’re going to have to “figure it out.”  If I

Course #6: The Cultivator's Course, The Business Owner

The Ethical Business Model

This is one that sits near and dear at the heart of me. Traditional Business Models are “Profit/Power” based whereas the Ethical Business Model is “Nurturing/Ethical” based. Traditional Business Models “farm” the Foundational Workers of their time and resources with a “Use and Dispose” mindset. The Ethical Business Model understands that a company is only

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