Theoretical Discussion

The Safe Space for the “Hodge-Podge” of topics that command the Spotlight.

Economics and Politics, Need Review, Theoretical Discussion

How War Is “Good” For The Economy

War is determined “Good” for the Economy by Governments because Manufacturing and Production to make Weapons of War is increased, thus boosting Profits and Creating Jobs, which the Government can tax under “Earned Income.” However, other abundant resources that are lost (people) are considered “disposable” and thus, are not considered losses at all because those […]

Economics Translated, Need Review, The Philosopher's Journey, Theoretical Discussion

Rich Man Economics: An Introduction

Poor Man Mindset + Middle Class Mindset + Entrepreneur /Rich Man Mindset Poor Man Mindset + Middle Class Mindset = SCHOOL These are four subjects that do not exist in the world of Academia. These are four subjects that, if you want to study them, you’re going to have to “figure it out.”  If I

Need Review, The Philosopher's Journey, Theoretical Discussion

Intuitive Education vs. Traditional Education

A Rennaissance on how we look at Education. I do not believe that “Genius” exists. I believe that “Genius” is a person who learned Intuitively, as nature intended. I believe that the Traditional Education Model is anti-Education, and is a rouse to “dumb down” and control a people in the guise of Education. I believe

Need Review, Rebel Parenting, The Philosopher's Journey, Theoretical Discussion

Rebel Parenting vs. Traditional Parenting

I just heard this term yesterday from a dear friend of mine: “Rebel Parenting” and I was immediately overjoyed with inspiration and excitement. The world has needed this. “What is wrong with the world today” is one of my favorite questions to dive into. Education. Education is what is wrong with the world today. Because

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