Anna’s Philosophy

Anna’s work continues in “The Final Course.” The Healing Garden’s Diamond Members gain access to Anna’s progress and journey into the Expanse.

Anna's Philosophy, The Point, The Point of Comprehension

“Does Talking About A Problem Nurture the Problem or Solve It?”

“To thine own self true.” – Shakespeare Be Brave. Be Bold. Be Blunt. – Anna Imagination Liars, Wolves, and Sharks use Fluff (sugar) and Niceties (honey) to Deceive. My people are the People who have been abused so deeply with Sugar and Honey that they don’t know who to believe. I realized being Brave, Bold,

Exploring The 12 Ethics, Triadic Healing : Self-Authority (Breaking The Cycle)

Triadic Healing : Breaking The Cycle – Preserving Your Child’s Self Authority

How we lose our Self-Authority Parenting – How we can preserve our Children’s Self-Authority Parenting – How our own loss of Self-Authority results in our taking our Children’s Bullying to Narcissism – Self-Authority. How “Possession” is the Pursuit of Self-Authority, which results in taking the Authority of others.  Bullyism is what led me down the

Exploring The 12 Ethics, Triadic Healing : Self-Authority (Breaking The Cycle)

Triadic Healing : Reclaiming Your Own Self-Authority

How we lose our Self-Authority Parenting – How we can preserve our Children’s Self-Authority Parenting – How our own loss of Self-Authority results in our taking our Children’s Bullying to Narcissism – Self-Authority. How “Possession” is the Pursuit of Self-Authority, which results in taking the Authority of others.  Bullyism is what led me down the

Exploring The 12 Ethics, Triadic Healing : Self-Authority (Breaking The Cycle)

Triadic Healing : The Bully and The Narcissist

How we lose our Self-Authority Parenting – How we can preserve our Children’s Self-Authority Parenting – How our own loss of Self-Authority results in our taking our Children’s Bullying to Narcissism – Self-Authority. How “Possession” is the Pursuit of Self-Authority, which results in taking the Authority of others.  Bullyism is what led me down the

Exploring The 12 Ethics, Triadic Healing : Self-Authority (Breaking The Cycle)

Triadic Healing : The Cycle of Losing Our Self-Authority

How we lose our Self-Authority Parenting – How we can preserve our Children’s Self-Authority Parenting – How our own loss of Self-Authority results in our taking our Children’s Bullying to Narcissism – Self-Authority. How “Possession” is the Pursuit of Self-Authority, which results in taking the Authority of others.  Bullyism is what led me down the

Exploring The 12 Ethics, Need Review, Triadic Healing : Self-Authority (Breaking The Cycle)

Triadic Healing : Self-Authority an Introduction

How we lose our Self-Authority Parenting – How we can preserve our Children’s Self-Authority Parenting – How our own loss of Self-Authority results in our taking our Children’s Bullying to Narcissism – Self-Authority. How “Possession” is the Pursuit of Self-Authority, which results in taking the Authority of others.  Bullyism is what led me down the

The They of I

3rd Ethic of The They of I

When you come to the point of Ethical Growth where you become aware of the Power of Choice of others to the point of Value and Preservation of the Power of Choice of Others equal to your own. When you realize that there are three entities between two people: You, Them, and The Universe. And

Economics and Politics, Need Review

Why No Government Should Ever Be Permitted To Be Or Own A Business

Because “Government: The Business” has an invested interest in its own success. That’s why. Because it creates the Monopoly and is the monopoly it outlaws. Because “Government: The Business” removes the Competition Incentive REQUIRED for Growth and Development, which also enacts a Natural “Quality Control” of services and products ensuring growth and prosperity with rising

Economics and Politics, Need Review, Theoretical Discussion

How War Is “Good” For The Economy

War is determined “Good” for the Economy by Governments because Manufacturing and Production to make Weapons of War is increased, thus boosting Profits and Creating Jobs, which the Government can tax under “Earned Income.” However, other abundant resources that are lost (people) are considered “disposable” and thus, are not considered losses at all because those

Need Review, The Healing Journal, The Philosopher's Journey

Progression. Obstacle. Navigation.

Every day, I sit down to my computer, and I write. I noticed a pattern. A three part rotation, and I move with the ebb and flow of the journey. Progression. Obstacle. Navigation. I am currently in the “Navigation” stage. Life problems happen when you don’t progress. You fall apart under obstacles. And you don’t

The They of I

Nature’s Current

I’m studying Finance, Economics, and Investment. And I can’t help notice the growing Core inside of me. It nags. It calls. The more I study “How Money and Currency Moves,” the stronger this Core pulls. Last night, I finally looked at it. I tried to step into it, but my thoughts wouldn’t settle. It was

Economics Translated, Need Review, The Philosopher's Journey, Theoretical Discussion

Rich Man Economics: An Introduction

Poor Man Mindset + Middle Class Mindset + Entrepreneur /Rich Man Mindset Poor Man Mindset + Middle Class Mindset = SCHOOL These are four subjects that do not exist in the world of Academia. These are four subjects that, if you want to study them, you’re going to have to “figure it out.”  If I

Need Review, The Philosopher's Journey, Theoretical Discussion

Intuitive Education vs. Traditional Education

A Rennaissance on how we look at Education. I do not believe that “Genius” exists. I believe that “Genius” is a person who learned Intuitively, as nature intended. I believe that the Traditional Education Model is anti-Education, and is a rouse to “dumb down” and control a people in the guise of Education. I believe

Need Review, Rebel Parenting, The Philosopher's Journey, Theoretical Discussion

Rebel Parenting vs. Traditional Parenting

I just heard this term yesterday from a dear friend of mine: “Rebel Parenting” and I was immediately overjoyed with inspiration and excitement. The world has needed this. “What is wrong with the world today” is one of my favorite questions to dive into. Education. Education is what is wrong with the world today. Because

Beyond the Beyond, Exploring The 12 Ethics, The Philosopher's Journey, The They of I

The Integration of Two Human Atoms

Finally… I wrote this Abstract. Which led me to this… After finally connecting the dots, I can finally say this, which I have been “Feeling and Seeing” for months now: Atoms Integrate. We think too small when we look into Atoms and Quantum Physics. But I see a pattern. A theme. I see the Atom

Course #5: "Putting It Together with Human Circuitry, The They of I, Triadic Healing Part #2

Human Circuitry: Choosing Your People

The Levels of Consciousness Before you can Choose your People, you have to Know Thy Self. “Awareness is the state of becoming aware of the Self. But it is only when we consciously choose to descend into the Abstract that we discover the infinite layers of The Self that we truly become Self Aware. And

Anna's Philosophy

Living Between Two Planes

27 March 2024 : The 1st of They I woke this morning… Realizing that “Sleep” is just… Our time split and shared and lived between the Abstract and the Material Plane.  That, we require our time to be split between both planes. And when we sleep, we are simply visiting the Abstract. José Silva reported

Anna's Philosophy, Course #4: Simple Science For Practical Application

Anna’s Theory of The Universe:

What is your Love (Purpose and Passion)? What is your Story? What is your Perspective? Anna’s Logical Proof For The Pioneering of Scientific Method Desire + Intuition + Logic = The Scientist’s Path of Pioneering and Discovery Biased Logic runs the danger of Schrodinger’s Cat. Until 1 or 3 is determined, the Hypothesis joins Schrodinger’s

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