The “Tit-For-Tat” Strategy

Before we can dive into the 3 Cell-Battery and the Emotional Transaction of Human Connection, The “Tit-For-Tat” Strategy and the Circle of Trust must be fully understood.

Covered in this Segment:

Up next: “Tit-For-Tat” Strategy

The Golden Rule + Law of Reflection + “Tit-For-Tat” +> Role Models

How Narcissism “Corrupts” The “Role Model” Theory

Con-man + “Tit-For-Tat” Strategy + Smoke and Mirror and/or The Red Herring = Narcissism (Intentional / Unintentional) +> The Defense, The Aggressor, The Bailor

I misspoke. I meant to say “If you are a Physicist” and not “Physician.”

Simple Science For Practical Application

The Tit-For-Tat Strategy is flawless for “Uncovering” Narcissists. In order to See how the Tit-For-Tat Strategy is used in Abuse, you have to first understand how it is used in non-abusive situations.

The concept begins with “Role Models”

Role Models <+ The Golden Rule + Law of Reflection + “Tit-For-Tat”

These are the three Components for a Role Model

“The Good Samaritan Fallacy” is the belief that “I should be good to someone and apply “The Golden Rule” without discernment and No Matter What.”

“Treat Others How You Want Them to Be Treated, if and only if they have passed your vetted Standards and are within your Circle of Trust.”

“Once inside your Circle of Trust, then Treat Others How You Want Them to Be Treated, If and only if they are following the Tit-For-Tat Strategy via The Law of Reflection.”

What this means is “Save The Golden Rule for people within your Circle of Trust.”

Outside of the Circle of Trust, default to the Tit-For-Tat Strategy.

Look at this Flow Chart:

The Narcissist’s “Smoke and Mirror Show”

  • Narcissist Fishing
  • Tone of Voice matched + Words Hostile
  • Tone + Smile + Hostility
  • Words Hostile toward the Self
  • Words Hostile toward You
  • Hostility
  • “They Lure to Save them from their own Self Bashing”
  • Inappropriate “Intimacy”
  • Premature Intimacy = Nonconsensual Trust

The Narcissist’s “Red Herring”

  • “Too” Nice
  • “Trying To Hard” to Be Nice
  • Underdog
  • Appearing Weak (Bash Themselves)
  • “Plays to our Sympathy”
  • Prematurely Being Intimate
  • “I have to attract people by looking helpless”
  • “Damsel In Distress”
  • Underdog
  • “The Naked Man”
  • Sarcasm
  • Flirtatious “Condescending” Insult
  • Premature Plans

The Liar’s Order of Operations:

This is one Example of how a Narcissist *might* steer a Conversation:

Cooperate + Playful Insult toward the Self + Playful Insult or Compliment toward YOU + Argument/Debate + Disagreement + Playful Insult toward the Self + Sarcasm + Flirtatious Insult toward You

The Narcissist Defense

If you confront a Narcissist directly about their tactic, you can expect:

  • Defensive (The Denial) (Argument)
  • Mood swing into HIGH (Verbal) Aggression
  • Passive Aggression Negotiation (Tone + Smile + Hostility)
  • Abandon the Conversation and Walk Away

The Liar’s Proof

“I always tell the truth about Myself.

“I always tell the truth about You”

“I always lie”

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