Triadic Healing For Initiation Classes

Initiation Classes! 

How to Connect with New People! OMG! This is something I LOVE To do!

I’m recording the Video now! Stay tuned!

  • – Introduction
  • – “How do I know that I’m not interrupting?” and The Polite Interruption
  • – Human Connection : What is REALLY going on “Behind the Scenes”
  • – “Putting Yourself Out There” … What does that even mean!?
  • – The Abuser’s Box
  • – “Getting in The Game”
  • – The Plan for “Taking the Reigns” and “Steering” Conversation
  • – Breaking the Ice for the Introvert and Wallflower!
  • – The Leap Not Taken… Living with the Regret of Missed Opportunity

Triadic Healing For Initiation and Social Awkwardness Classes

Triadic Healing For Social Awkwardness : Point of Initiation

Triadic Healing For Social Awkwardness : How To Interrupt

Triadic Healing For Social Awkwardness : The Abuser’s Box

Triadic Healing For Social Awkwardness : Getting In The Game “Putting Yourself Out There”

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