Human Circuitry: Introduction How We Connect

Stages of Connection:

What is Human Circuitry? Why do we need this?

Human Circuitry is the Science and Logic of How the Human Connects their AIDNS to another AIDNS and how to maintain and nourish a strong Connection.


  • Triadic Healing Part #1
  • Learn to Learn
  • Your Comprehensive Scope
  • The Science and Art of Strategic Imagination
  • Simple Science for Practical Application
  • What is Human Connection and Why do we do it?

It helps if…

If you having a basic working knowledge of

  • Economics
  • Purchasing and the Supply and Demand Chain
  • Physics
  • Batteries
  • Magnets
  • Electricity
  • WiFi – Radio Signals
  • Systems
  • Networks
  • Coriolis Force + Fleming’s Left Hand Rule
  • The Law of Reflection
  • The AIDNS

What do we need to do this?

  • Components (The Recipe, Ingredients, Order of Operations, and Instructions)
  • Tools (What do we need to do this?)
  • Skills For Application
  • Purpose (Why are we doing this?)

Human Circuitry of Mental Physics

Circle of Trust
Venn Diagram
Emotional Transaction of Human Connection
Tit-For-Tat Strategy (Mathematics)

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