Welcome to Alexandria

Course #4: Simple Science For Practical Application, Pre-Course: Soothing The Fear of Science, Triadic Healing Part #2

Simple Science For Practical Application

Taking the Fear and Nerves out of Logic, Math, and Physics. In this course, we address your apprehensions and worries about breeching the Sciences. So many people pass up the Sciences due to intimidation, a lack of faith in the Self, and overwhelm. Most people experience this for a number of reasons:

Need Review, Pre-Course: Soothing The Fear of Science

Christianity From the 12th Perspective: Christian Philosophy vs. Dogma

Coming Soon… The goal and purpose is not to convince you, but to shed light on what we do in Science. The goal and purpose is to invite you in, much like a “tour” inside Science. Showing you what it is we do without seeking to indoctrinate you. “For people who believe their Truth is

Need Review, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction

Alexandria’s Learning Structure

Coming Soon… Anna Imagination is a firm believer that the Human Mind evolved to learn, if only “Groomed Adults” conditioned by Societal Expectations would get out of the way. For this reason, 100% of the Learning Structure in Alexandria is modeled after Mother Nature’s Balance of Self-Mother or Self-Nurture +> Explorative Adventure Play +> Self-Reflection

Extra Credit, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction, Triadic Healing Part #2

The Pre-requisites for Attending The Healing Garden’s Alexandria

Welcome to HMS Alexandria. Plato’s Curriculum, as Plato intended it, is taught here. And, in the tradition of Plato, “Let no one who has not studied Geometry enter these walls.” There are only two prerequisites for attending Alexandria. You must have studied Geometry. In Plato’s meaning, this actually means, “Up to and Including Geometry.” You

Extra Credit, Need Review, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction, Triadic Healing Part #2

Undeniable Logic

There are certain points during the Journey of Comprehension where the Logic catches up to you long before the words do. At this point, there is a pause in your journey. You enter Silent Observation and you Process. I felt scared. Disbelief. Loneliness. Trust for the Universe. Like, “This is our Evolution. This is where

Course #5: "Putting It Together with Human Circuitry, Extra Credit, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction, Triadic Healing Part #2

The Cycle of Human Propagation

What is Human Propagation? Human Propagation is Prosperity, for short. It is the Process and the repeated Life Cycle of Reproduction, Replication, Planting, Nurturing, Flourishing, and making new Replications and Producing. It is a Science that integrates Logic, Mathematics, Economics, Physics, Dimension Theory, Chemistry, Education, Biology, and Botany into the Progressive Propagation that is our

Extra Credit, Need Review, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction, Triadic Healing Part #2

Conscious Awareness: The Key To Our Evolution

Disciplining your Conscious Awareness is one that requires a working knowledge of the Abstract. Occasionally, someone discovers the Key to the Abstract accidentally, but becoming aware of this skill, learning and mastering this skill is life-altering in our Evolution, Growth, and Development. Evolution means Change. Specifically, it means “Gradual Change” over time. Ironically, this also

Extra Credit, Pre-Course: Soothing The Fear of Science, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction, Triadic Healing Part #2

The AIDNS For Christians

“What you have is not Christ’s Religion. What you have is Rome’s Weapon.” – Anna Imagination I was born and raised Southern Fundamental Baptist. I was baptized in 1993. I begged my parents to allow me my baptism, which they denied me at first, but I persevered. From 1990 to 1995, I loved Jesus. I

Course #5: "Putting It Together with Human Circuitry, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction, Triadic Healing Part #2

Symmetry, Equilibrium, Reflection

“How to make copies” of someone via Reflection. Copy Machine Replication + Law of Reflection + Story Code +> Propagation Stages of Propagation “Story Navigation” The process we use to determine our lives. Why are we obsessed with Story? We are obsessed with story because “Story” is how we propel ourselves through the Life Cycle.

Extra Credit, Need Review, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction, Triadic Healing Part #2

Breaking “The Story Code”

The Story Code! This is one topic I have long since been “trying to crack.” In 2015, I hosted a series of Panel Discussion through Brain to Books where I and a plethora of published Authors (who better to explore this topic than Fiction Authors?) ventured into the Dissection of Story. “Why are we obsessed

Extra Credit, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction, Triadic Healing Part #2

The Tsunami Effect

The Roman Empire and The Weaponized Religion The Stages of Chain Reactions Catalyst Stage +> Shrapnel Stage +> Tsunami Stage Comprehension Equation The Waterfall Effect Correction: More research is needed on my behalf to research The Greek Orthodox Religion and The Schism. After filming this video, I did some research and realized that the information

Course #5: "Putting It Together with Human Circuitry, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction, Triadic Healing Part #2

Human Circuitry: Overview

This is a Work In Progress 19 March 2024 – 11th of the You of I 27 March 2024 – 1st of the They of I The Emotional Transaction of Human Connection Protecting The AIDNS: The Circle of Trust The Circle of Trust is the “Personal Law” that exists around the AIDNS to ensure its

Extra Credit, Need Review, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction, Triadic Healing Part #2

The Story Ship

I am going to show you another side of story. Instinctively, we all know it’s “there,” and we’ve seen it a hundred times and all our lives, but we’re not talking about it.  This is a story that is present in almost every, single movie, song, book, and play.  The Story Formula is “What you

Course #5: "Putting It Together with Human Circuitry, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction, Triadic Healing Part #2

The “Tit-For-Tat” Strategy

Before we can dive into the 3 Cell-Battery and the Emotional Transaction of Human Connection, The “Tit-For-Tat” Strategy and the Circle of Trust must be fully understood. Covered in this Segment: Up next: “Tit-For-Tat” Strategy The Golden Rule + Law of Reflection + “Tit-For-Tat” +> Role Models How Narcissism “Corrupts” The “Role Model” Theory Con-man

Course #6: The Cultivator's Course, The Science of Comprehension: Introduction, Triadic Healing Part #2

The Three-Cell Battery Of Connection

Teacher. Parent. Healer. These words imply “Authority,” “Power,” and “Hierarchy.” These words nurture “Arrogance,” “Condescension,” and “Intolerance.” These words nurture “Prestige,” “Abuse,” and “Inferiority/Superiority.” At Alexandria, these words are banned. In Alexandria we have a different Philosophy and it begins with the words we use. Words = Logic = Comprehension Words are Powerful and, when

The Science of Comprehension: Introduction

The Curriculum of Alexandria

Alexandria is where the AIDNS Model will be integrated into the Science of Comprehension (Education) and the Scientific Method. The Science of Omniscient Comprehension Construction Perspectives #1, #2, #3 & #4, #5, #6 Perspectives #7, #8, #9 The Science of Comprehension Under this Base Model, we have the Science of Comprehension. The Upcoming AIDNS Plans

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