PANDO Onboarding

Welcome to PANDO. We always have 100% Free Membership at every Tier within the PANDO Network.

Members of PANDO receive 100% of The Healing Garden’s Triadic Healing Resources Free.

We have a special place for those who are Shy, Introverted, or feel encumbered with Social Anxiety. Anna offers Free Training to help you manage those fears.

PANDO is designed to destroy the “Class System.”

Make the most of your PANDO Membership.

Here is your first PANDO Training Video “How to Turn Idea into Action” where we cover how to Implement Problem Solving into your Think Tank to “get shit done.”

PANDO Member receive Free Training on Networking, Communication, Power Economics, and Ethical Leadership.

Join to Watch and Learn. Join to Cheer and Support. Join to Learn to Teach and Do.

We don’t talk. We Do.

Members of PANDO receive 100% of The Healing Garden’s Triadic Healing Resources Free.

Our Founding Members:

Matt the Mystic

Anna Imagination

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