Using Omniscience POV To Tackle Overwhelm So You feel BIGGER Than Your Problem

My BFF asked me this morning what my plans were for my day.

I said this to her:

To answer your question more precisely, I am problem solving my conundrum today. And then organizing and plotting how best to proceed with my new solution to determine how best to get to my destination.

And, at the moment, I am feeling very frustrated, discouraged, and overwhelmed… So I am stepping into Omniscient so I can feel “bigger” than my problem.

Which I should probably teach in a class today. “Using Omniscience POV to tackle Overwhelm so you feel BIGGER than your problem.”

This is a “secret” of The Educated that the Uneducated are unaware of. Let’s be blunt and get right to the point:

Your Educational System was weaponized against you to keep you “dumb” and Uneducated so that you wouldn’t figure out that you live in a Smoke And Mirror Show.

Keep them dumb. Turn down the Education strategically. Call the country “Land of The Free” so they’ll never suspect that they aren’t free. Control the Media and the Schools. Blame everything on “Rich People” so they will hate instead of learn.

And look at that… You have hidden your Fascist and Socialist Society right under their noses.

There are four types of people:

  • People who are Uneducated and they know it
  • People who are Uneducated and they don’t know it
  • People who are Highly Educated in Low Quality Data, but who think they are Highly Educated
  • People who are Highly Educated in High Quality Data, and who know how little they know

Another way to look at this list is this:

Dumb People

  • People who are Uneducated and they don’t know it
  • People who are Highly Educated in Low Quality Data, but who think they are Highly Educated

Smart People:

  • People who are Uneducated and they know it
  • People who are Highly Educated in High Quality Data, and who know how little they know

There is a BIG DIFFERENCE in being Educated in the “RIGHT” stuff and being Educated in the WRONG stuff. 99% of Formal Education is being educating you in the WRONG stuff. Which is why 99% of the population is Mentally Ill and Poor.

How do I Know If I am Educated in High Quality Data?

The formula is very easy. You want to evaluate your Prosperity.

Prosperity is the summation of your Mental Health + Career Satisfaction + Physical Health + Financial Wealth = Your Happiness

If you are Prosperous, then you are stable, solid, and flourishing and also, your relationships and your children are also stable and solid and flourishing because not only have you “broken the happiness code,” but you also taught it to your children.

So… How are you doing?

  • Are you financially wealthy?
  • Are you in a solid, stable, healthy relationship?
  • Are you making substantial money from your dream job?
  • Are you focused on your dreams and goals and propelling your life forward with momentum?
  • Do you have mental peace?
  • If you have children, are they leading solid, stable, healthy and prosperous lives also?
  • Are you happy?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, then you are uneducated. If you were educated in High Quality Data, then you would know what to do to get what you want and need, and you would be doing them instead of reading articles online to help you “figure out” why you are not prosperous.

The real question is, do you know that you are uneducated?

A lot of “Educated” People, people who have degrees, diplomas, and certifications, lack the Core Information Required For Prosperity.

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, then you are uneducated.

They studied, but they didn’t study the “RIGHT” subjects. The “Right” Subjects are the ones that get you the knowledge you need to successful and efficiently Do what it is you need to Do to be prosperous.

I call this “The Lost Science Of Comprehension” and it consists of 4 Subjects:

  1. Emotional Management and Self-Regulation
  2. Comprehension and Communication (Logic and Communication Skills)
  3. Problem Solving and Perspective Shifting
  4. Finance

The Healing Garden and Alexandria

Power is at the core of all we do. Evaluating Power. Accruing Power. Wielding Power. Using and Storing Power. Your true Currency is Your Power. But navigating through life is all about Protecting, Keeping, and Preserving your Power.

And there are abusers and scammers at every corner. People, Governments, Narcissists, Systems, Employers, Abusers all work to take your Power from you so they can gain the Upper Hand.

They use the theft of your Power to compromise your Equal Footing so they can feel better and take advantage of you at your expense. By becoming educated and aware, you become Abuse Proof.

What are you doing to preserve and protect your Power?

Victims are people without this knowledge who are preyed upon for their Power. Abusers are the people who weaponizes this knowledge either consciously or subconsciously to take your power from you.

The Wisely Educated stands on the outside of this exchange in The Omniscient. They have this knowledge and have wisely removed themselves from Abusers, preserving their Power and using it to get ahead.

Psychology. Philosophy. Economics. Education. Teaching. Learning. Math. Logic. These are all the same subjects, told in different point of views. When you combine the Perspectives of these subjects, what you get is The Science of Comprehension.

In May 2023, I was raped. Some “friends” used my birthday to lure me to a bar where they worked together to roofie me. After carrying me downstairs, I was raped.

After the rape, everyone, friends and family all turned on me more aggressively, in some cases than the rapist, blaming me for not taking aggressive, vengeful action against the rapist. The legal system is designed only for the wealthiest to “win” and has nothing to do with “justice.”

I don’t believe in justice.

Only two people stood behind me after this rape.

I decided to not “avenge” my rapists in a court of law, but rather in Psychology. Instead of “going after the rapists,” I decided instead to “go after the victims” by educating victims in the truth of Power Economics. I decided, the best vengeance would be to educate “Victims” on Power Economics.

For every victim I educate, I turn into a Wise Warrior, denying Abusers one more victim.

That is my vengeance.

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