Triadic Healing Part #1

Course #1 Problem Solving, Triadic Healing Part #1

What Emotions Are For

Coming Soon… Feelings are not Emotions. Feelings are permanent and subtle. Emotions are strong and fleeting. Feelings are a Force. Emotions are Energy. Love is a Feeling. Anger or Frustration, Euphoria, Confusion are an Emotions that arise during a problem and leave, almost immediately, upon solution. Love is always there and does not “come and

Course #1 Problem Solving, Need Review, Triadic Healing Part #1

Building Your Mental Space Workshop

THE QUALITY of INFORMATION that goes into your brain… “Mental Space” for Workshopping The Quality of Their own Education Logical Fallacy: “You have to be educated to know what quality education is.” Truth: What you need to be educated in is logic. NOT the subject of mastery. What is “Taught” or “Learn Knowledge” and what

Course #1 Problem Solving, Need Review, Triadic Healing Part #1

Strategic Educational Planning

“If you can’t explain it simply, then you don’t understand it well enough.” – Albert Einstein Pause. Observe. Think. Ask yourself these questions: What is Education for? “Work-Along” Role-Model Teaching There are no teachers. In a proper educational setting there are no teachers. There are only students. And the “teachers” are Master Students. Teacher =

"Hello, Self. We Need To Talk.", Triadic Healing Part #1

The Healing Formula

Understand and Remember “When you seek to heal, what you are really doing is looking to Understand, Remember, and Articulate Yourself and Experience. This requires Education and Communication skills. Insanity is a precise metric of how skilled and knowledgeable we are or are not in Our Abstract Self and Communication skills.” – Anna Imagination Understand

The AIDNS and The Self

The Narcissist Formula

My Daughter is watching Tangled and she and I have worked through the Narcissist Formula. I broke it down with her in 3 Tools that the Narcissist uses: The results? The Descent into Narcissist Enslavement that can and does last long after the Narcissist is gone. The First Tool All Narcissists begin with Compromising The

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