Course #1 Problem Solving

Course #1 Problem Solving, Triadic Healing Part #1

What Emotions Are For

Coming Soon… Feelings are not Emotions. Feelings are permanent and subtle. Emotions are strong and fleeting. Feelings are a Force. Emotions are Energy. Love is a Feeling. Anger or Frustration, Euphoria, Confusion are an Emotions that arise during a problem and leave, almost immediately, upon solution. Love is always there and does not “come and

Course #1 Problem Solving, Need Review, Triadic Healing Part #1

Building Your Mental Space Workshop

THE QUALITY of INFORMATION that goes into your brain… “Mental Space” for Workshopping The Quality of Their own Education Logical Fallacy: “You have to be educated to know what quality education is.” Truth: What you need to be educated in is logic. NOT the subject of mastery. What is “Taught” or “Learn Knowledge” and what

Course #1 Problem Solving, Need Review, Triadic Healing Part #1

Strategic Educational Planning

“If you can’t explain it simply, then you don’t understand it well enough.” – Albert Einstein Pause. Observe. Think. Ask yourself these questions: What is Education for? “Work-Along” Role-Model Teaching There are no teachers. In a proper educational setting there are no teachers. There are only students. And the “teachers” are Master Students. Teacher =

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