The Self

"Hello, Self. We Need To Talk.", Triadic Healing Part #1

The Healing Formula

Understand and Remember “When you seek to heal, what you are really doing is looking to Understand, Remember, and Articulate Yourself and Experience. This requires Education and Communication skills. Insanity is a precise metric of how skilled and knowledgeable we are or are not in Our Abstract Self and Communication skills.” – Anna Imagination Understand

Introduction to Triadic Healing Part #2, Parent-Teacher-Healer, Triadic Healing Part #2

How Do You See The World? Finding Your Stability

When I began my work, I was at the apex of my Mental Hurricane. I was desperate for peace, calm, and happiness. All my life I had toggled between Month-Long Hurricanes and Tight-Rope-Walking without a net. I was tired. Tired of surviving. Tired of Living. Tired of jumping between frying pan and fire. My pursuit

Course #5: "Putting It Together with Human Circuitry, The They of I, Triadic Healing Part #2

Human Circuitry: Choosing Your People

The Levels of Consciousness Before you can Choose your People, you have to Know Thy Self. “Awareness is the state of becoming aware of the Self. But it is only when we consciously choose to descend into the Abstract that we discover the infinite layers of The Self that we truly become Self Aware. And

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