The Undoing of Educational Trauma and Learning

Learning Through Inference “The Narrator Fallacy” or “The Stupid Assumption”

Up vs. Tangled – by Elizabeth of Anna.

Giving up the Narrator for the Teacher.

Un-traumatizing My Daughter

  1. Undo the Time Trauma
  2. Teach that Learning is Fun
  3. Make you Independent
  4. Guilt and Fits of Crying continued for a Month (January through February 2024)
  5. Societal vs. Environment “There is no safe place” 
  6. Learning is the state of Vulnerabilty
  7. Feel Safe Enough to EMBRACE Vulnerability
  8. “Let her Figure it out” = Discovery
  9. March 2024 (Symptoms of ADHD decreased)
  10. Set the example via my OWN Exploration
  11. You Mimic and Repeat through OBSERVATION and MATHEMATICAL STORY

1 January 2024 to 1 April 2024 (3 Months to Heal enough to LEARN)

Tangled vs. Up vs. Beauty and The Beast (Comparison) to The Phantom of The Opera

Connecting Children to The Learning Journey

On 1 January 2024, my daughter’s Winter Break came to an end. Prior to Winter Break, I had watched her Mental Health decline significantly. She was coming home and sleeping for 4 hours in addition to her usual 8+ hours every night.

Massive red flag. In September 2023, I offered to home school her, but she declined. I watched her health decline. Every time she launched into a full break down whether of complaining, depression, over sleeping, I extended the offer to home school.

I called the school. Had multiple meetings. I saw no improvement and then a steady decline that turned chronic. By January 2024, she was having a full panic attack. The morning of her first day back, she had a second full panic attack.

We worked through it and she went to school. She came back and, again, slept for 4 hours. This time, when I offered to home school her, she accepted.

I had her enrolled in homeschool and her curriculum secured within 12 hours. I sent the school the appropriate paperwork. Received the approval and we began.

But what enfolded was an indicator to how Not Free we are in our Society. First, Emergency Fire people showed up. Then the school called. Then Social Services arrived claiming that I was not homeschooling. The school, as it turns out, is notorious for “sicking” CPS on anyone who homeschools regardless of evidence.

The school, who receives $48,000/year per student, was more concerned about the resources they were farming from my daughter than my daughter’s Mental Health.

Meanwhile, I knew the levels of Trauma Undoing I had to coach my daughter through.

After 3 Months, today, she finally showed the first signs of Learning and Education. What she was really doing was Applied Mathematics and Advanced Problem Solving and Logic through Observation and Story.

At last, she was Learning.

The Results

She started with the Movie, Tangled. Every two minutes, she stopped to comment. It was her (not me) he realized “The narrator has removed our ability to learn through Inference!”

I mentioned the movie Up.

My daughter ran with this. “Oh my god! I see it! she broke down and analyzed both movies, comparing for Common Denominators, re-evaluating story, identifying the Point of Catalyst and response while evaluating the Mother’s Narcissist behavior.

I smiled and said, “At last! NOW… You are doing MATH!”

She said, “What? Wait… How is this math?”

I said, “Math is the Science of Problem Solving.” And “The Narrator Fallacy” or “The Stupid Assumption” prevents us all from experiencing Inference to make our own Observations and Deductions and thus, we never actually learn Mathematics. We never learn Applied Mathematics.

Once you learn Logic and Applied Mathematics, you can learn ANYTHING. Sure enough, she composed a list for herself. Tangled then Up then Beauty And The Beast then The Phantom of the Opera.

Her goal? To compare Narrative Enabling to Inference. “what is going on with Belle and her “Being in love with the Beast?”

I smiled.

“Watch The Phantom of The Opera.” Then Frankenstein, I’ll say when she asks.

She is now using movies to locate and identify Mathematical Components to build her own Equation.

She has stopped the movie multiple times now to reflect on Logical Fallacy, Problem Solving in Application, and is locating Common Denominators.

In Art, she is starting to apply Geometry, Zoology, and Anatomy to her education. All on her own and without any direction from me. Her Intuition is guiding her. Propelling her forward on her Curiosity and Excitement.

Because she is free now to choose her path, she is exercising Power of Choice. She is reinforcing her Self-Authority. She is now Excited about Learning. And now, it is a choice. And she is passionate about Learning and Growing.

These are the Stages she passed through to get her from Mental Illness to Healed to Learning.

Overall time frame: 3 Months.

The Time Trauma

Time had been used to create pressure and urgency on her. She was constantly checking the clock. Constantly checking the Schedule. Constantly battling massive waves of Guilt that left her crying and shaking.

She would feel the “Time Pinch,” as if Pavlov’s Dog by the Clock, would jump on her courses, then fall apart and cry because the “Forced Learning” was a trigger.

Teaching her to not force her learning by the Clock was hard. It was imperative to Shift her into the “Adventuring Zone” of the 2nd Ethical Perspective through the Ethical Law and Natural Order. Which meant, she had to feel Secure enough to be Vulnerable.

That was my job. To secure her Safety so she could embrace Vulnerability. It was a process that I knew would take time.

Over the next two months, I watched her slow down and learn to follow her Intuition; Mother Nature.

Teach What Learning Really Is

We think Learning is Binging and Indulging on Information Hoarding. The problem is, gorging yourself on Information results in the Educated Idiot. The Book Smart Moron.

The incompetent, but smart and knowledgeable Dependent who must be spoon fed. Imagine an Einstein who wouldn’t know how to even select his own book to read. A Newton who wouldn’t even know how to read.

The problem is The Narrator. The Narrator is what most Teaches do. They Narrate. They don’t Teach. Narrators remove Inference and Mathematics from Story-Learning. Narrators spoon feed, disabling the Learning process. Most “Teachers” today are Narrators who explain to the point of disabling our Mathematical Ability to Problem Solve with Inference.

Teaching is the Skilled Science of Preserving the Learning Process, Providing the Psychologically Safe Space – The Comfort Zone – so the Child will Naturally step into the Adventuring Zone, Trusting the Learning Desire, Trusting that Curiosity, Wonder, and Excitement, the need to Explore will rise up and lead the Child through Intuition. Trust the Child’s Learning Intuition.

Give the Child Space to Explore and Lead and Choose their own Learning Path. Empower the Child’s Choice without any Bias from You. Too often, our fears, expectations, and beliefs, our distrust in the desire to learn creates the urgent impulse to control others… To value what we value by force.

No child can know how to learn if they don’t see the learning role model. Role-Model teaching is imperative to this process. This is the core keystone that breaks down all learning.

No child will learn from a teacher who narrates. You want to teach learning? Learn and trust the child to mimic and repeat your behavior. True Teachers are Life Learners.

I call this Applied Mathematical and Story Learning. As you learn, you show the child how to learn. As you explore, you show the child how to explore. As you feed and nurture your curiosity, you show the child how to nurture and train curiosity.

And the Role Model Teaching preserves Equal Footing, further empowering the Student’s Power of Choice.

Guide with a Nudge. Not with a Spoon. Nudge, but let the Inference take over. This is where everything doubly went wrong.

We don’t nudge. We force feed. We force the student to sit, and then we assault their Memory, and force them to gorge and gluttony themselves on Information, mandating that they Indulge to the point of Hoarding. And we use Time as the Weapon to beat this lesson into them.

But it is the Intuition, the Logical Deduction, the Observation, Curiosity, Adventure, Excitement, and Love for the Journey and Exploration that is the True Teacher here.

And most importantly, it is on this Self-Propelled Education that the Student truly learns and Discovers their Self.

The Steps of Teaching Once More…

  • Preserving the Learning Process
  • Providing the Psychologically Safe Space
  • Trust the Child’s Intuition to Lead their own Education Journey
  • Mind your Bias. Mind your own “Projected Control”
  • Set the Example. Be the Learning Role Model.
  • Preserve the Equal Footing
  • Nudging, “Clue” Guidance as Teaching

Learning really is the Pursuit of Knowledge and Self-Growth. And it is this that you are teaching others how to do. But to do this, you must be a Life-Learning. I call this the “Apprentice Learner.”

In truth, Teachers are Master Learners. In Truth, the Teacher is within us. In Truth, The Master Learner is one how is so skilled at Using their Internal Teaching, that they impart this knowledge and skill onto others through Example.

In Truth, the Only Teacher is Mother Nature. Life-Learners know this and guide and live to preserve this process, keeping the Student on their Naturally Learning and Educational Journey of Self-Discovery.

It’s a vast shift in Priority.

Making The Shift From Traditional Educational Systems to The Alexandrian Educational System

This Shift comes with a culture shock, period of adaption, a “cool down” stage, and the Normalizing. Only when you reach “Normalizing” can Actually Learning begin because only then will the student feel safe enough to shift from The Comfort Zone to the Adventure Zone where learning actually takes place.

These are the Stages of the Transformation Process, what to expect and how to cope.

Nurture Independence

There is no Power of Choice in Dependence. And the current System enables Dependence. People are naturally Independent. Fear, Projected Control, Distrust, and Intolerance to Change all disable Independence.

Coming off of the Traditional System immediately puts the Dependent Student into a “Do Nothing Until I’m Told” mindset.

Expect this. Let them Do Nothing. The Only Motivator for this change is boredom. But the Boredom will only come in relative ratio to how much Psychological Safety they have.

If the Individual is in The Escape Room or No Man’s Land, Boredom will never be reached because They are not feeling Psychologically Safe enough to build up Potential Emotional Energy of Comfort to trigger the Boredom.

Boredom + Stored Potential Emotional Energy = Curiosity and Incentive

Expecting and Emotionally Managing the Guilt and Crying

This is where you will really begin to see the Trauma. When you remove the Time and Expectations, the Residual Trauma kicks over and you get to see (or feel) just how much Trauma you or your Student endured.

It was this stage of healing that I realized how Toxic “Time Management” or “Micro-Managing Time” is. How Toxic and Mentally Damaging Time and Forced learning is.

The best way to endure and persevere through this stage was Self-Forgiveness and Gentleness. “It’s okay. Give yourself time to adjust. You’ve been conditioned to obey the Trauma of Time. There is no “schedule” anymore.”

At this stage, my daughter reflected heavily on how much time a day actually has. Whatever learning she wanted to do at this stage, was up to her. She read books. She did 1,000-piece puzzles. She worked on Art and Drawing. She learned Origami.

Overtime, I saw her turn toward Geometry, Zoology, and Anatomy to improve her drawing techniques.

Giving her the time and Healing Space to learn and plug into her Intuition was imperative to the process.

Emotionally Managing the Boredom

After 30 days, the Boredom hit. Most parents jump to solve Boredom. Don’t. The True Lesson the child must learn at this stage is how to Emotionally Manage their own Boredom.

When you remove Time and Urgency from the Child’s Mind, they get a real taste of how much time they actually have in a day, and Boredom is even more potent at this stage.

My daughter went through 2 months of “Boredom.” And I sat back and let her “Suffer” in Boredom. Sure enough, the “Suffering in Boredom” motivated her to turn to… Learning and Education. What else is there to do?

I watched her resist the Learning… at first. Residual Trauma associated with being forced to Learn without her consent pitted her against a Resistance to Learn… at first.

She had to Learn to Want to Learn with her Consent. She had to learn that Learning must include The Power of Choice.

And then, she learned that Learning and Education is the ultimate cure to Boredom.

Learning comes with a High Reward: Purpose, Adventure, Accomplishment, and Self-Discovery, if only we would empower the Student’s Power of Choice.

Trust The Discovery “Letting them Figure it out”

Nothing interferes with the Learning Process more than our Distrust of Ethics and the Natural Desire to Learn. This is where The Parent and/or Teacher interferes with the Process.

As a parent, I had to learn to step back and trust that my Daughter would find her Intuition. I had to learn that Mother Nature would take over. And sure enough, after 3 months, My Daughter and Mother Nature found each other. Just as I too had found Mother Nature.

I had (2 years prior) practiced this with my son, and again, took a massive step back and prioritized his healing over his education. He healed and, on his own volition, returned to school, graduated, and now is continuing his own education without any influence from me. He is now 19 years old and his Mental Health is leaps and bounds better than it was.

This is going to be the hardest thing for Parents and Teachers to learn. How to step back and Trust Mother Nature. We are programmed and conditioned to think about schedules and time. When we add “Distrust” into the equation, our lack of Self-Control projects onto the need to Control others, and the learning process is disrupted.

My advice? How did I handle this? At every impulse or need to “take action,” I conditioned myself instead to sit down and learn, reflect on myself, and study. Instead of “Teaching” them, I chose instead to set an example and show them how. I conditioned myself to turn back to my own Self Education Journey.

And, after 3 months, my Daughter followed me lead all on her own. But most extraordinary was the amount she was learning, what she was learning, and the quantity with which she was learning. In addition, her Mental Health was through the roof!

It is important to note that my son took nearly 1 year + Walkabout to get to this point. He was in a much more Mentally Unhealthy place, however, following the same formula, he finally sat with his Boredom for nearly a year before turning back to Education.

Now, he spends every day putting himself through his own Educational System. My job? I provide him with the resources. He tells me what he needs for his studies and I make sure he has the resources. In some cases, I have him search for his own resources.

Teaching The Learning process


Securing Vulnerable Safety

Boredom is only ever experienced in The Escape Room and The Comfort Zone. People who battle Addictions, Eating Disorders, and Self-Mutilation are in The Escape Room. This does not apply to them.

The Escape Room deprives the Student from storing up Potential Emotional Energy.

The Comfort Zone is The Escape Room without the Addiction to “drain” the Surplus Energy required for Motivation, Incentive, and Momentum.

Within the Comfort Zone, the Student, all people actually, must find their Courage to embrace their Vulnerability. But the Student refusing and rejecting their own Vulnerability will never embrace that Courage. Will never venture into the Adventuring Zone. Will never step into The Learning Center of their brain.

And forcing people to Learn and Adventure compromises their Safety, further causing them to push their Vulnerability away, further leading them to reject their Vulnerability and the Learning Mindset.

This is why the Parent and Teacher must surrender 100% of all Control and submit to The Power of Choice of the Student. You must embrace Equal Footing. You must not compromise The Power of Choice under any and all circumstances, otherwise, Vulnerability and The Learning Zone is forever rejected.

Letting Mother Nature lead her to her own State of Vulnerability

Boredom + Choice is a powerful cocktail. And left to Mother Nature and Intuition leads to this state, every time. Let your child get stir crazy. Do not problem solve for them. The lesson to be learned *IS* problem solving their way out of Boredom.

That is REALLY the true lesson here. The first lesson is Problem Solve your own Fear, Problem Solve your own Courage, Problem Solve your own Boredom. Learning how to Apply. No matter how old you are, and there are many 20, 30, 40, and 50 year olds who never learned this Solution, if you don’t learn how to Problem Solve this first lesson, you will never begin Your Learning Journey.

Hands off and let the student Problem Solve their own Solution to Boredom.

Symptoms of ADHD Decreased (Time Abuse)

This was extraordinary. As my daughter healed, her Symptoms of ADHD decreased. She shook less, focused more, and relaxed more. After 2 months, she had “found her own internal clock” and matched its rhythm instead of the clock of Societal Expectations.

She has learned to Self-Regulate. To Problem Solve. To Apply Mathematics to her daily life. She has learned to solve her Emotions with Solutions.

Set The Example with Role Model Teaching

Over and over, every day, I learn. I analyze, compare, categorize, look for pattern recognition, break down the components, and calculate. When I find an obstacle, I use tools to manage and fix the obstacle.

I use my Emotions as clues as to what to do next. Where to go. What to learn. I listen and follow my Intuition, letting and Trusting Mother Nature to guide me and she does.

I’ve removed time and urgency from my life to reduce and eliminate interference from Mother Nature. And my daughter watches and mimics.

She mimics and repeats.

She repeats and practices.

I watch her mimic. And when she says or does something that makes me feel sick or disgusted, I correct her and then (and this is important) I take even greater care to correct myself for I am who she learned it from.

And when I correct myself, I do it visibly. “Okay, I need to not do that anymore and it was Ethically wrong of me to do it.”

It was listening to my daughter that made me aware that I need to be kinder.

Because I visibly analyzed and problem solved and learned via Applied Mathematics, Observation, and Logical Deduction, how to learn. And thus, she too has learned.

Trusting The Law of Reflection

It never ceases to amaze me how unaware most people are that their children repeat them. Oh, we know they do, but to be mindfully aware that they do is very different than simply knowing they do.

Keeping The Law of Reflection in the forefront of our minds is vital to teaching.

We are so focused on Instructional Teaching and Narrative Teaching, that we have forgotten how to trust that the child can learn all on their own and without us.

I call this “The Stupid Assumption.” Many of us assume in silence that people are too stupid to figure things out with inference alone. And, as a result, too many of us man-splane education all over the place.

In truth, teachers today don’t teach, they man-splane. They over-explain. They spoon feed and hand hold.

And this “teaching” method communicates one lesson to the student: “You are too stupid to figure out inference on your own” and “You are too stupid to be Independent.”

Trust The Law of Reflection and abandon “The Stupid Assumption.”

Observation, Mathematical Story Learning

True learning is done through Observation. Conscious Observation. The key is to connect Conscious Awareness + Applied Mathematics to Story and Adventure Learning by Building your Own Educational Journey.

Providing too many resources disables the skill of finding one’s own skills. Providing too few resources creates Scarcity and Survival.

Providing too much Instruction and Direction removes Applied Mathematics. Forcing the Child to Learn without their consent and without them in the right frame of mind, violates their Power of Choice, and prematurely forces their Vulnerability without consent.

By turning their Educational and Self Journey over to them, it empowers their Power of Choice and their Self-Authority.

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