
Exploring The 12 Ethics, Triadic Healing : Self-Authority (Breaking The Cycle)

Triadic Healing : Breaking The Cycle – Preserving Your Child’s Self Authority

How we lose our Self-Authority Parenting – How we can preserve our Children’s Self-Authority Parenting – How our own loss of Self-Authority results in our taking our Children’s Bullying to Narcissism – Self-Authority. How “Possession” is the Pursuit of Self-Authority, which results in taking the Authority of others.  Bullyism is what led me down the […]

Exploring The 12 Ethics, Triadic Healing : Self-Authority (Breaking The Cycle)

Triadic Healing : Reclaiming Your Own Self-Authority

How we lose our Self-Authority Parenting – How we can preserve our Children’s Self-Authority Parenting – How our own loss of Self-Authority results in our taking our Children’s Bullying to Narcissism – Self-Authority. How “Possession” is the Pursuit of Self-Authority, which results in taking the Authority of others.  Bullyism is what led me down the

Exploring The 12 Ethics, Triadic Healing : Self-Authority (Breaking The Cycle)

Triadic Healing : The Bully and The Narcissist

How we lose our Self-Authority Parenting – How we can preserve our Children’s Self-Authority Parenting – How our own loss of Self-Authority results in our taking our Children’s Bullying to Narcissism – Self-Authority. How “Possession” is the Pursuit of Self-Authority, which results in taking the Authority of others.  Bullyism is what led me down the

Exploring The 12 Ethics, Triadic Healing : Self-Authority (Breaking The Cycle)

Triadic Healing : The Cycle of Losing Our Self-Authority

How we lose our Self-Authority Parenting – How we can preserve our Children’s Self-Authority Parenting – How our own loss of Self-Authority results in our taking our Children’s Bullying to Narcissism – Self-Authority. How “Possession” is the Pursuit of Self-Authority, which results in taking the Authority of others.  Bullyism is what led me down the

Exploring The 12 Ethics, Need Review, Triadic Healing : Self-Authority (Breaking The Cycle)

Triadic Healing : Self-Authority an Introduction

How we lose our Self-Authority Parenting – How we can preserve our Children’s Self-Authority Parenting – How our own loss of Self-Authority results in our taking our Children’s Bullying to Narcissism – Self-Authority. How “Possession” is the Pursuit of Self-Authority, which results in taking the Authority of others.  Bullyism is what led me down the

Need Review

Godless Church : Non-religious, non-spiritual Logic, Math, Physics, and Mother Nature based Learning

I am an Atheist, Weak-Agnostic, Philosopher, Bard, and Oralstorian. Here, I teach and talk on Ethics, Power Economics, Parenting, and Teaching for Ethical Thinkers, Ethical Leaders. I go live as Intuition hits. My Starter Classes are available for Free. Look for Triadic Healing. Nerds and Neurodivergents are invited to play “The Game.” “If you don’t

Need Review, Rebel Parenting, The Philosopher's Journey, Theoretical Discussion

Rebel Parenting vs. Traditional Parenting

I just heard this term yesterday from a dear friend of mine: “Rebel Parenting” and I was immediately overjoyed with inspiration and excitement. The world has needed this. “What is wrong with the world today” is one of my favorite questions to dive into. Education. Education is what is wrong with the world today. Because

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