Anna’s Filter for Unbias Logic

What is Your Priority?

  • Truth
  • Logic
  • Knowledge
  • Education
  • Scientific Progression
  • The Growth Of Sentient Life

What do you Value?

  • Truth
  • Logic
  • Knowledge
  • Education
  • Scientific Progression
  • The Growth Of Sentient Life

Do you Trust your Intuition to Perceive?


Do you Care what the Answer Is?

No. Because, I want:

  • Truth
  • Logic
  • Knowledge
  • Education
  • Scientific Progression
  • The Growth Of Sentient Life

More than anything and Most of all.

Which do you want more: Your “Hoped-For” Answer or Truth?

Trust Your Intuition. Feel Your Intuition. See the Image in your Mind’s Eye. Describe What you Feel and See.

Name it.

Honest, Face-Value and Trust begins with the Honest, Face-Value and Trust of your Self.

Repeat as necessary.

1 thought on “Anna’s Filter for Unbias Logic”

  1. Pingback: Simple Science for Practical Application: The Science of Pre-Scientific Method – The HMS Alexandria

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