Story Construction

Course #1: Story Construction, Triadic Healing Part #2

Choose Your Own Adventure: Life Construction, Navigation, Propagation, and Prosperity

*NOTE… At 9 Minutes in, I say “It’s flowing Clockwise.” I misspoke. I meant to say “COUNTER Clockwise.” I Saw Counter Clockwise. I was thinking “Fleming’s Left Hand Law.” I drew the arrows in the CORRECT direction; Counter Clockwise, but I misspoke and said, “Clockwise.” The reason WHY this matters is because the COUNTER Clockwise […]

Course #1: Story Construction, Triadic Healing Part #2

Comprehension Scope Introduction: Philosophy

Comprehension Scope is a beautiful visual of how any given subject or focus of study fits into “the big picture.” It asks “What is the Big picture?” And Defines it. “The Big Picture” is Us. We are the Big Picture. The Science of Study and Education. Logical Fallacy: “Words change and evolve” “Spoken Words Change

Course #1: Story Construction, Triadic Healing Part #2

The Comprehension Scope #13: Comprehension

Becoming the Scientist Education. That is what “The Science of Comprehension” is. But really, Education, Learning, and Comprehension are the Components of Comprehension, all of which are the combined study of everything prior to this point. Education, however, is a fraction of a fraction of this Comprehensive Scope. The Logic of Knowledge. Know-ology or “Knowledgology”

Course #1: Story Construction, Triadic Healing Part #2

The Comprehension Scope #7: Linguistics & Logic

This is where Traditional Education interrupts Mother Nature’s Process, and derails learning. This is excluded almost entirely from traditional Educational Systems, which is why so many students struggle with Math, Physics, Comprehension, and the Sciences. Linguistics (also absent from Traditional Education Systems) is a branch of Logic and is the Foundation to Logic, and the

Course #1: Story Construction, Triadic Healing Part #2

The Comprehension Scope #1: Music

The History of Evolution and Education Evolution “Change” Heart Beat = Pulse through the beat of drum. “Rhythm is Mother Nature’s Pulse.” – Anna Imagination Intuition. Found “The Frequency.” Beat, Rhythm, Pulse, Frequency. Moving, Singing, Tapping to it, Listening, Every time you touch music your are taking the Pulse of Mother Nature into you. Music

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